After a while the Corona pandemic emerged and difficult times started for everyone. I became curious about people who lived an alternative life outside cities.
The reportage I prepared was about a 170 years old timber house which was being brought back to life by a wonderful couple, Kristoffer and Caroline..
Four years ago, the couple, both of them engineers, decided to move from the city-life and taught themselves agriculture and farming.
Lately they also started to show interest in restorations. To follow a couple who were far from a consuming society and give life to everything they touched was motivational and inspiring for me, especially these days during a pandemic.
Florence Konstantina Delight, named after Constantinople, the old name of Istanbul before Islam and secular Turkey.
Old Istanbul lives in Florence and they also live there today. A city which the government is Islamizing in an alarming rate.
“Even breathing is a form of activism in this society and sometimes it’s even difficult to breathe.”
In Turkey, a heteronormative society with assigned gender identities and where hate propaganda towards the LGBTQ community increases everyday, Florence manages to be a part of all gender identities without defining themself with a specific one. Florence resists this society in a powerful way by embodying a drag queen.